
True Evangelism is unavailable, but you can change that!

Chafer provides a valuable exposition on the topic of evangelism in this volume. He lays out the specifics of what evangelism does not entail, clearing up any confusion about the nature of evangelism. Chafer then goes on to define what makes up proper evangelism, emphasizing the roles of both God and the community of believers. He covers prayer, the role of the Holy Spirit, and suffering. Chafer...

Suffering with Christ, then, in its deepest meaning, is to come to experience by the Spirit an unutterable agony for men out of Christ, and from that vision and love to be willing to offer personal sacrifice or endure physical pain, if need be, that they may be saved. This is as near to “a cross” as the Christian can come in experience; for he can make no atonement, nor is human atonement needed. As his eyes are opened and his heart is made sensitive to the indescribable need of any soul out of Christ,
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